Monday, December 6, 2021

Girl's Tote Bag

Hello everyone! 
Greetings from the beautiful country of Chile! 

We have been visiting and enjoying the beautiful late spring weather here for the past two weeks and I am so happy to write to you from here.

Today I have this super fun project to share that I started in my craft room back home using ribbons and patches from Gwen Studios. You will love this grossgrain ribbon that can be curled, braided, or twisted for special effects, as well as strips, borders, etc. I honestly had a blast playing with it but especially loved the outcome of this girl's tote bag. You will see how fast and easy it was to make.

Let's get started with the products I used. 

You will need:


You also need: 

Girl's canvas tote bag

and Fabric Tac Adhesive.

Let's get started: 

I cut the ribbon to four inches long and then fold it in half adding fabric tac to stay folded.  

I used something heavy and put it on top of folded ribbon as they dried. 
See below.

I then started adhering down each piece of ribbon to the top edge of the canvas bag and used weight to help them stay attached well.

Here is a closer look. 
I used pieces of ribbon all around the top opening edge of the bag giving it a decorative and colorful look with the ribbons. 

To give it a more finished look I added a strip of the same ribbon all around the top and bottom edge of the bag and then adhere down the colorful unicorn patch on one side.

And that its all there is to it. So fast and easy right? 

Here is the finished project! 

I  actually took it with me on my vacation trip to gift it to my niece living in Chile. 
So the pictures below are taken here in their backyard. 😁

Front View

Back View

***Don't forget ***
You can find these amazing ribbons and patches from Gwen Studios at 
(links are provided above)

Till next time....... Craft On! 💗
